sábado, 30 de março de 2013

Rain becomes beautiful !

Hi, the new Illesteva umbrella's collection is stunning, the panterns and the flower's drawings, just fabulous !!! They are handemade in Italy and the price rounds the 250$

Salut, aujourd'hui je vous apporte la nouvelle collection de parapluies de la marque de lunettes Illesteva, absolument parfaite, les dessins, magnifiques et ils sont fait de manière artisanale en Italie  !!! La pluie n'est pas si mauvaise. Le prix tourne autour de 250$

Olá, hoje trago vos a nova coleção de guarda-chuvas da Illesteva, super gira e feita artesanalmente em Italia, os desenhos das flores, lindos, até parece que a chuva é menos chata. O preço anda á volta dos 250$

xoxo kisses / bisous / beijinhos WTF STREET STYLE !!!

9 comentários:

  1. Indeed it is... Very lovely ideas! I will need one of those here!

  2. These umbrellas look wonderful! Little bit expensive though... haha


  3. I love these; they look so happy and unique! :)) Happy Easter hun!

    I am running an International Giveaway on my blog now, and I'd love it if you enter for the chance to win Chanel Lipstick and some Maybelline goodies! <3


  4. These are amazing! I have nominated you for the Liebster Award! Congratulations! http://beautyoholic.blogspot.com/2013/03/nominated-for-liebster-award.html


THANKS FOR COMMENTING ! all the lovely comment are read :)