segunda-feira, 4 de fevereiro de 2013

Fashion TREND - Spring/Summer 2013 - Stripes

Olá , como já devem ter percebido as ricas vão ser uma grande tendencia desta primavera/verão, entao venho aqui dar-vos algumas ideias de como utilizar esta tendencia.

Hi, as already you must have perceived stripes will be a big trend this spring/summer. I decided to create some looks to inspire you to use this trend.

Salut , comme vous pouvait le vois les rayures vont être très á la mode cet saison qui vient, printemps/été, donc j'ai décidé de crée quelques looks avec cette belle tendence.

beijinhos / kisses / bisous WTF! STREET STYLE !

1st look : afternoon with the girls

2nd look : going aroud the town

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